Friday, August 29, 2008

Two Rivers Public Charter School - 8/14/08

GO-AdventureSports hosted a teambuilding event for Two Rivers Public Charter School again this year, at Seneca Creek State Park, in Gaithersburg, MD.  This year's goals were to focus on trust between members of the team, and to learn how to ask for help when individuals were in need.  Each activity challenged team members in different ways, and during each event, different leaders and problem solvers emerged.  During debriefs, the teachers discussed how individual experience, educational background, and personality helped to shape the overall character of the team.  As the day progressed, the activities were sequenced in a way that helped build trust and confidence between the members of the team, and by the end of the day, the entire group was ready for the intense 'mouse trap' trust exercise.  A great way to end the day and start the school year!

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