NEXTeams Team Development
While technology continues to make the world more interconnected, internal workings of organizations both large and small seem more and more disconnected. This disconnect can be caused by a number of factors - ironically the technology that propels us forward being one of them... The disconnect can have one or multiple causes, from a simple misunderstanding between two employees to a misinterpretation of the overall mission of the organization. Whatever the reasons, and whatever the problems, organizations often benefit from the help of mediation and facilitation. NEXTeams is a company whose mission is to get to the root of an organization's internal and external challenges, identify these barriers to success, working within teams to map out a strategy for overcoming the adversity, and helping the organization implement the plan. Combining goals/needs assessment and personality testing, with expert facilitation and experiential education tools, NEXTeams is the Next Step in Team Development.
Key Components of the NEXTeams Process:
- Initial consultation with your NEXTeams Facilitator will define the perceived challenges and proposed goals of your organizational development strategy.
- Meeting participants (your team and our facilitators) will map out a short-term goals list for completion prior to the 'event.'
- During the scheduled 'event' our facilitation team will utilize personality testing and interest assessment tools to provide insight and clarity into differences and similarities between team member personalities.
- Facilitators will provide experiential training tools that relate directly to the key components of - building trust, effective communication, leadership styles, etc...
- Teams will discuss the training tools and their relationship to the organization's challenges and strategies concepts.
- Following the 'event,' facilitators will periodically check-in with key team leaders, provide consultation, and if necessary return for a second or third event - the key to success is focus and repetition.
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