Friday, April 18, 2008

Portable Team Challenge - July 28th, 2007

July 28th, 2007

Today we put on another Portable Team Challenge with a group of international students. The kids had been working and traveling together for a couple of weeks already, and this was their recreational team building event. The students showed great enthusiasm, in spite of the heat and sun. A couple of highlights was the successful completion of the "gutterball," and the "magic boots" activities.

In "gutterball," the team had to move a rubber ball down a series of PVC pipes that were lined up like a gutter. The activity took great focus and communication, as well as a good bit of planning before beginning the action.

For "magic boots," the team had to traverse from one side of the "river" to the other side, using only one pair of "one-way" boots. In other words, the boots could only be worn once for each participant, and had to be used to transport 16 people across. Challenging!

Here's a couple of highlight shots to give you an idea of the challenges... Enjoy!

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