Sunday, November 30, 2008

Teambuilding in a "Down Economy"

With the spectre of a looming "economic downturn" upon us, many business leaders are being forced to tighten their belts and rethink their future expenditures. During times like this, off-site retreats and holiday parties are doubtless going to take a lower priority. The irony is, now - when things are most challenging for both businesses and their clients - it is even more vital that we motivate staff and create a work environment that fosters healthy risk-taking and creative thinking. Now is the time for those in charge to plan for change, and invest in strategies that foster innovation, rather than cutting everything but the bare essentials.

This is an exciting time, with great opportunities for the organization that is able to adapt. The most successful companies are those that do not sit back and run on auto-pilot. The best companies find a way to take stock of what is working and what is not working in their organizations, taking time to streamline their processes and create innovation where they can.

In conclusion, economic downturn spells opportunity for the company that has the foresight to innovate and adapt to an uncertain future. Don't let fear and uncertainty keep your organization from moving boldly forward!

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